Guide for Authors

Manuscript will be considered only on the understanding that it is not currently being submitted to other journals.

Submission of an article implies that the results described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language.

All papers will be sent for peer reviews, to two independent experts. Authors are obliged to follow remarks and comments of the reviewers, as well as to follow Instructions for preparing manuscripts, Reference list specification and technical remarks and corrections of the Editorial Board.

For each author full name, personal (or first) name(s) and family (or last) name(s), and affiliation, have to be given. Family or last name(s) has to be written in capital letters. In the case of more than one author, the name of the corresponding author should be indicated, with full postal address, E-mail address, and affiliation.

Each paper has to be written according to following order: title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, key words, body of the text with numerated sections and subsections including introduction, conclusions, acknowledgment (if necessary), nomenclature, and references. The pages must have page numbers.

Manuscript Template - Microsoft Word File


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Publishing in the SETEE involves an article processing charge (APC), or publication fee & which is 200 USD.